From our home, to your table, back to the community.
The Challah that gives

Rosa’s Why
Until the pandemic began our family would use store-bought Challah every week. We had our favourite Toronto bakeries to get our Challah from. Once we went into lockdown our family started making homemade Challah. We never looked back or missed a week. There is nothing like the taste and aroma of fresh, warm Challah to grace your home for Shabbos. I chose this project for my Bat Mitzvah so I can share that special Shabbat feeling with my community.
When making a large batch of Challah one has the opportunity to fulfill one of the 3 special Mitzvot of the Jewish woman. When you take a piece of Challah and make the blessing one has the opportunity to ask G-d to fill one's lives with blessings, strength, sweetness and healing.
Every week I cover my eyes and ask G-d that the blessings of my Challah dough permeate my home, community, and the entire world.
$10 of every Challah purchased will be given directly to Rosa’s Charity.
Click here to learn more
Chocolate, Spices, the Classics.
We have it all
Sweet Cravings
Rosh Hashana
Timeless Dough

Why Challah?
The mitzvah of Challah is one of the three fundamental Mitzvos that are exclusively given to women. The art of baking challah not only fills ones home with the feel, aroma, and taste of Shabbos, but it brings peace and clarity as well. The act of Hafrashas Challah is how we can still serve Hashem without the Beis Hamikdash (the Holy Temple). By separating from a 5lb dough a small piece to give to Hashem we are bringing Hashem into our homes, who in turn brings clarity and love to the mind and heart of the whole household.
The blessing of Hafrashas Challah
Separate the dough, connect with Hashem
Baruch attah Ado-noy Elo-hei-nu melech ha-olam asher kid-e-sha-nu b’mitz-vo-tav v’tzi-vanu le-haf-rish challah.
[Blessed are You, L‑rd our G‑d, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to separate challah.]